Please read all the information below carefully before registering for camp.
Please secure a cabin reservation with The Timberline Lodge BEFORE submitting your J9’s K9s Camp Waggin’ Tails registration form. A cabin number is required for completion of the form. If you have any concerns regarding your dog’s eligibility for J9’s K9s Camp Waggin’ Tails, please email Stephanie@j9sk9s.com prior to reserving a cabin for approval to attend. (Once a cabin has been booked, you are subject to the property’s cancellation process.) Please plan carefully. Our strict eligibility requirements are designed to ensure that the camp experience is pleasurable for all in attendance. Securing a room and/or submitting a registration form constitutes understanding and acceptance of the eligibility and registration requirements.
J9’s K9s Dog Training
P.O. Box 3052,
Granada Hills, CA 91394
Please make your camp tuition check payable to Camp Waggin’ Tails.
Detailed camp information will be sent via email the week prior to camp.
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations for early registrants will be accepted until the registration deadline. Participants needing to cancel will receive a tuition refund from Camp Waggin’ Tails minus a $50 administration charge. No refunds will be granted after registration deadlines. Please plan carefully!
Please contact The Timberline Lodge directly regarding the cabin cancellation policy.