Most of our clients first hear of us from people they meet who love to talk about their happy J9’s K9s experiences. Here are just a few of the many emails we receive in praise of our wonderful staff and the effectiveness of our positive, reward based training techniques. If you’d like to put a testimonial or brag about your canine friend on this page, email us at info@j9sk9s.com and we’ll be happy to post it.
“Found a ‘gem’ with regards to the people that make up J9’s K9s…”
Since my first beginner’s class with Tuk, I knew I had found a ‘gem’ with regards to the people that make up J9s K9s. Not only are you ALL awesome Teachers, your core is the relationship between our dogs and us. THAT is the missing piece with many other places. That was so apparent, by all the wonderful people we met last night…The care you put into making this a fun and memorable experience was reflected 100 fold. This was SO MUCH FUN!!!! Here’s to more educational and fun-filled field trips!!!! After all, dogs just wanna have fun!!!!
R. S.
“We LOVE your class & SWEAR BY your training tools!”
We have an AMAZING story for you!! Okay, we LOVE your class & SWEAR BY your training tools! They WORK!!
Here’s what happened: Chris was loading up the truck with camping gear so he propped the front door open. The dogs ran out (without “earning it!” BAD dogs!! hee hee), which is not a huge deal, since our front yard is fenced. Well, turns out there was a HOLE in the fence!!!! Jack ran into the neighbor’s yard, and out of Chris’ view. Chris tried calling him (“Jack, come!”), and he didn’t come. Then Chris thought, “I’ll try the emergency recall word, although it’s probably too soon, and he won’t follow it.” Our word is “venga” (Spanish for “come” – don’t ask). He yelled (in a happy voice) “JACK, VENGA!” and low-and-behold…Jack came out of nowhere, RUNNING full speed toward Chris!!! It worked!!! The “command that may save your dog’s life someday” as you put it, actually may have SAVED OUR DOG’S LIFE!! Wahoooo! Chris rewarded him with tons of praise & love & even a treat. I just HAD to share that story with you! If only EVERY dog owner went to training…
S. R.
“I can’t believe how much we learned!”
For starters, what a wonderful class, I can’t believe how much we learned! Second, thank you for your availability by phone to answer any and all questions. You were very patient.
D. & L. S.
“Gaucho is now a certified Champion!”
Just wanted to update you on Gaucho’s progress and thank you all for your help and contribution. Gaucho is now a certified Champion! He finished with a 5 point major in Palm Springs (Best of Winners over 84 Dobermans). He has also earned his Canine Good Citizen Title.
Please let Fran know how much the people at the shows (judges included) have enjoyed Gaucho’s tricks. Gaucho has been known to “Sit Up Pretty” and give a “High Five” to the judge after a win. (Of course I was told by all the Doberman people that it was impossible for Dobermans to sit up on their haunches – we proved them wrong!)
Thank you again for all your patience and support in helping me learn how to deal with this EXUBERANT dog.
D. R.